Baptism is an outward symbol of an inner change and a transformation that takes place beforehand, usually within a much more private realm.
I know my journey towards this transformation is occurring and I look forward to the day when I can sit comfortably in my own skin and know I am living a Christ-like life. In the meantime, I continue to educate myself and surround myself with this very special parish. With the eyes of an adoring fan, I will witness these baptisms in humble gratitude - as these stars of life begin to glow with the light of Christ.
Emily Foltz Meaghan Mills
Sue Bailey Maggie Bailey
Each of these special ladies took a moment to speak a bit on the reason behind their decision to give their lives to Christ and the significance of the moment when they decided to announce their decision for all of us to hear. For some it is a complete life make-over: intended to leave behind all that had turned bad, into something good. For others, it is a natural life milestone, one that was known since birth. No matter the words used to describe each personal account, they all end the same way: with the willing vulnerability of putting their lives in the hands of God and trusting in Him.
While the ladies of the day speak, the large crowd gathers and listens intently...
Afterwards, nearly everyone followed these four ladies down to the water...
Soon, the pastors take to the water...
Emily was guided into the water by Todd...
Next up is Meaghan...
Sue descends into the waters...
And finally, Maggie...
Derek takes a moment - the water was warm and inviting on this day - an invitation to rebirth.
The pastors look forward to these days - said Todd, "Baptisms never get old. The heavens are rejoicing"
After the ceremony, Wade led us in prayer in the places where we stood...
Afterwards, a gathering of friends, food and... babies!
There is one more yet to come. (below)
I had a wonderful conversation with this lovely little lady,
and I would like for her to know what joy I took in snapping this picture. As her body breathes new life into a new person, we have watched tonight the rebirth of new people. Her courage in becoming a mother is moving and as I watch her, she is at ease. In beautiful, bountiful life, she extends her faith to her unborn child.
As I witness these days, I feel the significance well within me.
As I meet the members of this congregation, I learn more about the stories that guide them here.
As I study the stories of the bible, I find myself more intrigued...
...the people are what make this so real. So significant. So incredibly beautiful.
Thank you.